ARB Racing's Andy Booth had his first outing of the year:

Ducati Tri-Options Cup. Round 1 Donington Park.

Andy managed to get the bike rebuilt and ready a day before the race meeting, fitting a new front head gasket and giving the bike a final once over before heading off to Donington Park, a home round for Andy.

ARB Racing Donington Park 2020 R1

  • Friday - Free Practice

After setting up the pit awning for the weekend, it was time to get back out on track.

This was to be Andy's first time back on a bike for 10 months, like most of us, having to endure months of lockdown due to Covid19.

Free practice was used as a test session to check the bike and rider were ok after such a long spell away.

First session done and it felt like he'd never been away. The bike felt good as did the rider, so time was well spent preparing both for qualifying.

ARB Racing Donington Park 2020 R1

  • Friday Qualifying-

As Andy set out for qualifying, both the bike and rider felt good for the 25 minute qualifying session.

The Weather was very hot, one of the hottest days on record so it was going to be a big test for man and machine to withstand temperatures that had soured past the 30's.

"I'd planned to stay out for the full session and get as many laps in as possible"

Lap times were slightly down on previous season for everyone due to the hot conditions. The bike runs better and handles better under cooler temperatures.

The objective was to qualify, which Andy achieved, his fastest lap being his last one of the session.

" I Managed to get ahead of Jimmy Buchanan who I used as a benchmark in that session."

There were many positives to take away from Friday, the main one being Andy was happy being back on a bike again.

  • Saturday :-

For Saturday raceday, Andy received a welcome addition to his pit crew, twowheelsormore writer Tony Jacklin. He would be there to help out as required and accompany Andy on the grid.

The race wasn't until later in the afternoon so plenty of time to settle in and check the bike over again. Andy made the decision to fit new tyres and a chain in readiness for the race.

ARB Racing Donington Park 2020 R1

  • RACE ONE:-

Heading to the grid for the first race of 2020. Buzz Lightyear leathers being the chosen attire for this one.

As the lights went out, Andy made a great start from his 28th place grid slot. Unfortunately heading into the chicane at the end of lap one, Andy had to take evasive action due to a fallen rider and sat the bike up through the gravel trap, leaving him a lot of work to do chasing the pack.

Andy steadily got in to a groove and caught them back up, the timing screen showing the gap reducing every lap until with 2 laps to go he was back on the tail of Matt Flower, taking him and pulling a gap of nearly 2 seconds at the chequered flag.

  • RACE TWO:-

Sunday race day started off with much cooler conditions to the day before. Andy was feeling confident after a good day of racing yesterday and enjoying it.

Another check over and clean, the bike was ready for the second race.

Which leathers to wear? The judging panel (Andy's Daughter Darcey) chose Buzz Lightyear leathers again in favour of the Woody set.

Andy would again be starting from 28th on the grid.

This time there were no dramas and Andy was able to remain with the group at the end of the first lap. The bike feeling even better under the cooler temperatures, each lap chipping vital tenths off his lap times. After a race long battle, Andy was able to pass and pull away from Matt Flower and Martin Thrower.

More positives to take out of this race was that Andy's last lap was his quickest of the weekend meaning he was going in the right direction all race meeting. This can only boost his confidence for the next outing at Snetterton on August 21st-23rd.